Submission guidelines


— All projects (for both phases) should be submitted using our online submission page on EasyChair. No submissions will be accepted by email or post. The submission system will go live on the May 16.
— By submitting their work authors agree to our Terms & Conditions which cover intellectual property and copyright issues.


Submission stage 1

You are asked to submit a single .PDF file with a short abstract (max. 600 words) and 10-15 images. The first stage submission is light touch, so that practitioners are given the chance to fully write up their papers once they know they have been selected.
Please use images that you would be able to provide in high resolution should your work is selected for inclusion in the publication.
Any image references and copyrights have to be cleared by the author prior to submission.

All abstract submissions should be BLIND with no mentions on authors’ names, institutions, collaborators etc.


Submission stage 2

If your project is selected for acceptance, you are asked to submit a single .zip file containing the following:
— the text in .doc format
— 10-15 images in high resolution
— a separate text file with image captions and credits
A. Text
The text should be 2,500-3,000 words long and be submitted in .doc
It should be in English and written in third person.
Please do not use footnotes or endnotes. You are welcome to include references at the end of the text, using the Harvard referencing style (more info can be found here). 

B. Images
You are asked to submit 10-15 high resolution or raw image files as well as a separate text file with image captions and credits.
The images should be named after the project title, followed by a number (i.e. “my_project_title-1.tiff”,“my_project_title-2.tiff etc.)
The image captions and credits should also follow the same numbering.
All image references and copyrights should be cleared by the author prior to submission. The list of references does not count towards the word count.

Full paper submissions should NOT be blinded. Full contributors’ names, affiliations and contributors should be included.